About us

We have known each other for years, sharing everything since childhood. We only needed a common project that responded to what we wanted to convey, our way of seeing life.
Sankidd is a concept, a style and a way of life. It is everything we have shared: the trips, the anecdotes, the adventures and misadventures and what we learned from them. It is how we see the world and our little oasis of creation and freedom.
We wanted to capture an identity in everything that related to Sankidd. We like to transmit it as a personality, a way of being and facing the world.
Celebrating each of us as we are has led us to make a perfect tandem and also to fulfill ourselves in what we like most. Create.
We faithfully believe in the importance of loving, respecting, celebrating and showing oneself as each person is, understanding authenticity as a way of life.
Sankidd was born from that desire and our first collection “unpretentious essentials” has no other objective than to convey that feeling.
There is nothing that looks more beautiful than the personality, strength and individuality of each person (and our clothes, of course ;) )
Each garment is a little piece of us and everything that has brought us here.
Happy to have you with us.
Cris and Clara.